


Displays some simple information about sequences


This is a small utility to list the sequences' USA, name, accession number, type (nucleic or protein), length, percentage C+G, and/or description.

Any combination of these types of information can be easily selected or unselected.

By default, the output file starts each line with the USA of the sequence being described, so the output file is a list file that can be manually edited and read in by any other EMBOSS program that can read in one or more sequence to be analysed.


Here is a sample session with infoseq

Display information on a sequence:

% infoseq tembl:paamir 
Displays some simple information about sequences

# USA             Name        Accession Type Length	 %GC   Description
tembl-id:PAAMIR   PAAMIR        X13776	N    2167	 66.54 Pseudomonas aeruginosa amiC and amiR gene for aliphatic amidase regulation

Go to the input files for this example

Example 2

Don't display the USA of a sequence:

% infoseq tembl:paamir -nousa 
Displays some simple information about sequences

# Name        Accession Type Length	 %GC   Description
PAAMIR        X13776	N    2167	 66.54 Pseudomonas aeruginosa amiC and amiR gene for aliphatic amidase regulation

Example 3

Display only the name and length of a sequence:

% infoseq tembl:paamir -only -name -length 
Displays some simple information about sequences

PAAMIR        2167

Example 4

Display only the description of a sequence:

% infoseq tembl:paamir -only -desc 
Displays some simple information about sequences

Pseudomonas aeruginosa amiC and amiR gene for aliphatic amidase regulation

Example 5

Display the type of a sequence:

% infoseq tembl:paamir -only -type 
Displays some simple information about sequences


Example 6

Display information formatted with HTML:

% infoseq tembl:paamir -html 
Displays some simple information about sequences

tembl-id:PAAMIRPAAMIRX13776N216766.54 Pseudomonas aeruginosa amiC and amiR gene for aliphatic amidase regulation

Command line arguments

   Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers:
  [-sequence]          seqall     Sequence database USA

   Additional (Optional) qualifiers:
   -outfile            outfile    If you enter the name of a file here then
                                  this program will write the sequence details
                                  into that file.
   -html               boolean    Format output as an HTML table

   Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers:
   -only               boolean    This is a way of shortening the command line
                                  if you only want a few things to be
                                  displayed. Instead of specifying:
                                  '-nohead -noname -noacc -notype -nopgc
                                  to get only the length output, you can
                                  '-only -length'
   -heading            boolean    Display column headings
   -usa                boolean    Display the USA of the sequence
   -name               boolean    Display 'name' column
   -accession          boolean    Display 'accession' column
   -gi                 boolean    Display 'GI' column
   -version            boolean    Display 'version' column
   -type               boolean    Display 'type' column
   -length             boolean    Display 'length' column
   -pgc                boolean    Display 'percent GC content' column
   -description        boolean    Display 'description' column

   Associated qualifiers:

   "-sequence" associated qualifiers
   -sbegin1             integer    Start of each sequence to be used
   -send1               integer    End of each sequence to be used
   -sreverse1           boolean    Reverse (if DNA)
   -sask1               boolean    Ask for begin/end/reverse
   -snucleotide1        boolean    Sequence is nucleotide
   -sprotein1           boolean    Sequence is protein
   -slower1             boolean    Make lower case
   -supper1             boolean    Make upper case
   -sformat1            string     Input sequence format
   -sdbname1            string     Database name
   -sid1                string     Entryname
   -ufo1                string     UFO features
   -fformat1            string     Features format
   -fopenfile1          string     Features file name

   "-outfile" associated qualifiers
   -odirectory          string     Output directory

   General qualifiers:
   -auto                boolean    Turn off prompts
   -stdout              boolean    Write standard output
   -filter              boolean    Read standard input, write standard output
   -options             boolean    Prompt for standard and additional values
   -debug               boolean    Write debug output to program.dbg
   -verbose             boolean    Report some/full command line options
   -help                boolean    Report command line options. More
                                  information on associated and general
                                  qualifiers can be found with -help -verbose
   -warning             boolean    Report warnings
   -error               boolean    Report errors
   -fatal               boolean    Report fatal errors
   -die                 boolean    Report deaths

Standard (Mandatory) qualifiers Allowed values Default
(Parameter 1)
Sequence database USA Readable sequence(s) Required
Additional (Optional) qualifiers Allowed values Default
-outfile If you enter the name of a file here then this program will write the sequence details into that file. Output file stdout
-html Format output as an HTML table Boolean value Yes/No No
Advanced (Unprompted) qualifiers Allowed values Default
-only This is a way of shortening the command line if you only want a few things to be displayed. Instead of specifying: '-nohead -noname -noacc -notype -nopgc -nodesc' to get only the length output, you can specify '-only -length' Boolean value Yes/No No
-heading Display column headings Boolean value Yes/No @(!$(only))
-usa Display the USA of the sequence Boolean value Yes/No @(!$(only))
-name Display 'name' column Boolean value Yes/No @(!$(only))
-accession Display 'accession' column Boolean value Yes/No @(!$(only))
-gi Display 'GI' column Boolean value Yes/No No
-version Display 'version' column Boolean value Yes/No No
-type Display 'type' column Boolean value Yes/No @(!$(only))
-length Display 'length' column Boolean value Yes/No @(!$(only))
-pgc Display 'percent GC content' column Boolean value Yes/No @(!$(only))
-description Display 'description' column Boolean value Yes/No @(!$(only))

Input file format

infoseq reads any sequence USAs.

Input files for usage example

'tembl:paamir' is a sequence entry in the example nucleic acid database 'tembl'

Database entry: tembl:paamir

ID   PAAMIR     standard; DNA; PRO; 2167 BP.
AC   X13776; M43175;
SV   X13776.1
DT   19-APR-1989 (Rel. 19, Created)
DT   17-FEB-1997 (Rel. 50, Last updated, Version 22)
DE   Pseudomonas aeruginosa amiC and amiR gene for aliphatic amidase regulation
KW   aliphatic amidase regulator; amiC gene; amiR gene.
OS   Pseudomonas aeruginosa
OC   Bacteria; Proteobacteria; gamma subdivision; Pseudomonadaceae; Pseudomonas.
RN   [1]
RP   1167-2167
RA   Rice P.M.;
RT   ;
RL   Submitted (16-DEC-1988) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RL   Rice P.M., EMBL, Postfach 10-2209, Meyerhofstrasse 1, 6900 Heidelberg, FRG.
RN   [2]
RP   1167-2167
RX   MEDLINE; 89211409.
RA   Lowe N., Rice P.M., Drew R.E.;
RT   "Nucleotide sequence of the aliphatic amidase regulator gene of Pseudomonas
RT   aeruginosa";
RL   FEBS Lett. 246:39-43(1989).
RN   [3]
RP   1-1292
RX   MEDLINE; 91317707.
RA   Wilson S., Drew R.;
RT   "Cloning and DNA seqence of amiC, a new gene regulating expression of the
RT   Pseudomonas aeruginosa aliphatic amidase, and purification of the amiC
RT   product.";
RL   J. Bacteriol. 173:4914-4921(1991).
RN   [4]
RP   1-2167
RA   Rice P.M.;
RT   ;
RL   Submitted (04-SEP-1991) to the EMBL/GenBank/DDBJ databases.
RL   Rice P.M., EMBL, Postfach 10-2209, Meyerhofstrasse 1, 6900 Heidelberg, FRG.

  [Part of this file has been deleted for brevity]

FT                   phenotype"
FT                   /replace=""
FT                   /gene="amiC"
FT   misc_feature    1
FT                   /note="last base of an XhoI site"
FT   misc_feature    648..653
FT                   /note="end of 658bp XhoI fragment, deletion in  pSW3 causes
FT                   constitutive expression of amiE"
FT   conflict        1281
FT                   /replace="g"
FT                   /citation=[3]
SQ   Sequence 2167 BP; 363 A; 712 C; 730 G; 362 T; 0 other;
     ggtaccgctg gccgagcatc tgctcgatca ccaccagccg ggcgacggga actgcacgat        60
     ctacctggcg agcctggagc acgagcgggt tcgcttcgta cggcgctgag cgacagtcac       120
     aggagaggaa acggatggga tcgcaccagg agcggccgct gatcggcctg ctgttctccg       180
     aaaccggcgt caccgccgat atcgagcgct cgcacgcgta tggcgcattg ctcgcggtcg       240
     agcaactgaa ccgcgagggc ggcgtcggcg gtcgcccgat cgaaacgctg tcccaggacc       300
     ccggcggcga cccggaccgc tatcggctgt gcgccgagga cttcattcgc aaccgggggg       360
     tacggttcct cgtgggctgc tacatgtcgc acacgcgcaa ggcggtgatg ccggtggtcg       420
     agcgcgccga cgcgctgctc tgctacccga ccccctacga gggcttcgag tattcgccga       480
     acatcgtcta cggcggtccg gcgccgaacc agaacagtgc gccgctggcg gcgtacctga       540
     ttcgccacta cggcgagcgg gtggtgttca tcggctcgga ctacatctat ccgcgggaaa       600
     gcaaccatgt gatgcgccac ctgtatcgcc agcacggcgg cacggtgctc gaggaaatct       660
     acattccgct gtatccctcc gacgacgact tgcagcgcgc cgtcgagcgc atctaccagg       720
     cgcgcgccga cgtggtcttc tccaccgtgg tgggcaccgg caccgccgag ctgtatcgcg       780
     ccatcgcccg tcgctacggc gacggcaggc ggccgccgat cgccagcctg accaccagcg       840
     aggcggaggt ggcgaagatg gagagtgacg tggcagaggg gcaggtggtg gtcgcgcctt       900
     acttctccag catcgatacg cccgccagcc gggccttcgt ccaggcctgc catggtttct       960
     tcccggagaa cgcgaccatc accgcctggg ccgaggcggc ctactggcag accttgttgc      1020
     tcggccgcgc cgcgcaggcc gcaggcaact ggcgggtgga agacgtgcag cggcacctgt      1080
     acgacatcga catcgacgcg ccacaggggc cggtccgggt ggagcgccag aacaaccaca      1140
     gccgcctgtc ttcgcgcatc gcggaaatcg atgcgcgcgg cgtgttccag gtccgctggc      1200
     agtcgcccga accgattcgc cccgaccctt atgtcgtcgt gcataacctc gacgactggt      1260
     ccgccagcat gggcggggga ccgctcccat gagcgccaac tcgctgctcg gcagcctgcg      1320
     cgagttgcag gtgctggtcc tcaacccgcc gggggaggtc agcgacgccc tggtcttgca      1380
     gctgatccgc atcggttgtt cggtgcgcca gtgctggccg ccgccggaag ccttcgacgt      1440
     gccggtggac gtggtcttca ccagcatttt ccagaatggc caccacgacg agatcgctgc      1500
     gctgctcgcc gccgggactc cgcgcactac cctggtggcg ctggtggagt acgaaagccc      1560
     cgcggtgctc tcgcagatca tcgagctgga gtgccacggc gtgatcaccc agccgctcga      1620
     tgcccaccgg gtgctgcctg tgctggtatc ggcgcggcgc atcagcgagg aaatggcgaa      1680
     gctgaagcag aagaccgagc agctccagga ccgcatcgcc ggccaggccc ggatcaacca      1740
     ggccaaggtg ttgctgatgc agcgccatgg ctgggacgag cgcgaggcgc accagcacct      1800
     gtcgcgggaa gcgatgaagc ggcgcgagcc gatcctgaag atcgctcagg agttgctggg      1860
     aaacgagccg tccgcctgag cgatccgggc cgaccagaac aataacaaga ggggtatcgt      1920
     catcatgctg ggactggttc tgctgtacgt tggcgcggtg ctgtttctca atgccgtctg      1980
     gttgctgggc aagatcagcg gtcgggaggt ggcggtgatc aacttcctgg tcggcgtgct      2040
     gagcgcctgc gtcgcgttct acctgatctt ttccgcagca gccgggcagg gctcgctgaa      2100
     ggccggagcg ctgaccctgc tattcgcttt tacctatctg tgggtggccg ccaaccagtt      2160
     cctcgag                                                                2167

Output file format

The output is displayed on the screen (stdout) by default.

The first non-blank line is the heading. This is followed by one line per sequence containing the following columns of data separated by one of more space or TAB characters:

If qualifiers to inhibit various columns of information are used, then the remaining columns of information are output in the same order as shown above, so if '-nolength' is used, the order of output is: usa, name, accession, type, description.

When the -html qualifier is specified, then the output will be wrapped in HTML tags, ready for inclusion in a Web page. Note that tags such as <HTML> and <BODY> are not output by this program as the table of databases is expected to form only part of the contents of a web page - the rest of the web page must be supplier by the user.

The lines of out information are guaranteed not to have trailing white-space at the end.

Data files



This program was written to make it easier to get some specific bits of information on a sequence for use in small perl scripts. This Perl code fragment to get the type of a sequence is typical:
$type = `$PATH_TO_EMBOSS/infoseq $sequence -auto -only -type`;
chomp $type;

You may find other uses for it, of course.

By default, the output file starts each line with the USA of the sequence being described, so the output file is a list file that can be manually edited and read in by other EMBOSS programs using the list-file specification of '@filename'.





Diagnostic Error Messages


Exit status

It always exits with status 0

Known bugs

None noted.

See also

Program nameDescription
infoalignInformation on a multiple sequence alignment
seealsoFinds programs sharing group names
showdbDisplays information on the currently available databases
textsearchSearch sequence documentation text. SRS and Entrez are faster!
tfmDisplays a program's help documentation manual
whichdbSearch all databases for an entry
wossnameFinds programs by keywords in their one-line documentation


Gary Williams (gwilliam ©
MRC Rosalind Franklin Centre for Genomics Research Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SB, UK


Target users

This program is intended to be used by everyone and everything, from naive users to embedded scripts.
