Next: Exercise: water
Up: Pairwise sequence alignment
Previous: Exercise: needle
As we mentioned above, global sequence alignment algorithms align
sequences over their entire lengths. You do need to think about
whether that type of alignment makes sense for your sequences. For our
example, where we expect each exon to be represented in the sequences
and in the same order, it has worked well - however, how well do you
think this approach would work with, for example, multidomain proteins
that share one domain but not others, or sequences where there have
been regions of duplication? A second comparison method, local
alignment, searches for regions of local similarity and need not
include the entire length of the sequences. Local alignment methods
are very useful for scanning databases or when you do not know that
the sequences are similar over their entire lengths. The EMBOSS
program water is a rigorous implementation of the Smith Waterman
algorithm for local alignments [4].