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All HMM models can not only parse sequences but they can also ``emit''
or produce sequences according to their probabilities. We'll use this
to create a simulated dataset of 49 sequences, which we will then
practice aligning to the model. Then we'll try making a weblogo.
- Emit sequences accoording to the model using
% ehmmemit -number 40 ATP_bind_2_fs.hmm
- Edit the first sequence with a random legal peptide randomly
inserted into the sequence.
- Align the sequences to the model using hmmalign:
% ehmmalign ATP_bind_2_fs.hmm
- Inspect the alignment with less. Can you find your
insertion? what does it look like?
- Convert the alignment with sreformat
% sreformat a2m <alignment> > atp.fas
- Make a weblogo. select ``multiline.'' Can you see the
P-loopE motif?
David Ardell