Next: Bootstrapping a Neighbor-Joining tree
Up: Phylogenetic trees
Previous: Effect of Alignment on
In this exercise you'll make a small tree that can be difficult to
reconstruct with phylogeny because it has two long brances separated
by a short branch. Like this:
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
/ |
You're going to evolve sequences on this tree with
seq-gen and see which method: parsimony or likelihood better
deals with this kind of tree.
- First make the tree. You can do this really simply with
the following UNIX:
% echo "(((A:0.2,B:1.2):0.2,C:0.2):0.5,D:0.7);" > quartet
Can you see why this tree matches the shape drawn above?
- Evolve some proteins on the tree. Find your seq-gen
executable. Put it in the same directory as quartet. Then execute:
% ./seq-gen -mJTT quartet > q.plp
- Compute a parsimony tree. Use eprotpars on q.plp to
compute a parsimony tree.
% eprotpars
- Install Phyml Phyml is a very fast likelihood program,
find the executable version on the net and put in the directory with your
data. Run it with
% phyml_macOSX
and make a likelihood tree for this data.
- Visualize the two trees with TreeView. Which one (or both)
is correct?
Next: Bootstrapping a Neighbor-Joining tree
Up: Phylogenetic trees
Previous: Effect of Alignment on
David Ardell