Examples of sending files with the hhcp command

To send a single file to your home directory on the remote host:

   hhcp myfile festival.ed:newfile

This copies the file myfile from your current directory on the local host to the file newfile in your home directory on the host with the name "festival.ed".

To copy a file from one subdirectory to another:

   hhcp tmp/guide.txt castle.ed:book/chapt1/part2

This copies the file guide.txt from the subdirectory tmp in your current directory, to the file part2 in the subdirectory book/chapt1 which is in your home directory on the remote host with the name "castle.ed".

To copy a binary file:

   hhcp -b afile walden.co:incoming/afile

This copies the binary file afile from your current directory to a file with the same name in the subdirectory incoming, in your home directory on the host with the name "walden.co".

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