General resources on model organisms
- Human Genome Project Information
- Probably the most accessible site yet developed on the human genome in general and the publicly funded Human Genome Project. Includes rich pages on genome research, comparative and functional genomics, and educational, medical, and ethical resources. An excellent place for the (comparatively) uninitiated to start
- National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
- Agency established in 1989 to head up Human Genome Project effort for the National Institutes of Health
- Human Genome Organisation
- International organization helping to coordinate worldwide efforts on sequencing of the human genome and to build collaborative and funding relationships within the genome community.
- Project Ensembl
- Joint project of the European Bioinformatics Institute and the Sanger Center, this well-conceived and well-executed site aims to provide "complete and consistent annotation across the human genome." Includes downloadable software, an intuitive chromosome-map entry point, a fast, user-friendly BLAST server, and more
- Human Genome Resources from NCBI
- Celera
- Private company undertaking effort to sequence and annotate human and other genomes
- Human Chromosome Launchpad
- Nifty, well-curated location providing links to Web resources, chromosome-by-chromosome
- The Human Genome, by All of the Top Cartoonists
- Slate collection of perspectives on the human genome by leading editorial cartoonists
- Mouse Genome Informatics (from the Jackson Laboratory)
First stop on the mouse genome trail. This site includes information on the project to sequence the mouse genome, a searchable index of expression data, pointers to BLAST searches, and more.
- The Whole Mouse Catalog
- Links to just about anything you might want regarding mouse genomics and cell, organ, and organismic biology. Valuable at many levels of expertise
- The Mouse Atlas and Gene Expression Database Project
- Digital atlas of mouse development; includes other information regarding in situ gene expression and cell lines
- The Mouse Brain Library and Atlas
- Extraordinary collection of images, movies, protocols, and databases on mouse brain development. Not to be missed
- Genetic and Physical Maps of the Mouse Genome from the Whitehead Institute
- Mouse cDNA Project at the National Institute on Aging
- NetVet Rodent Page
- At Washington University's online veterinary medicine center NetVet, a feast of links on rodents, beginning with good old Mus
- FlyBase
- A central respository for genomic wisdom on the fruit fly. Among the offerings:
Genome maps for the fly
Search for Drosophila genes, alleles, proteins, and expression data
GadFly -- a genome annotation database
Drosophila body part viewer, for the D. melanogaster voyeur in all of us
- International FlyBase mirrors:
- Eastern U.S., Western U.S., United Kingdom, France, Japan, Israel, Taiwan
- Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project
- Nicely laid out West Coast alternative to FlyBase, with much of the same functionality
- Drosophila page at GenBank
- TIGR Drosophila Gene Index
- Science Special Issue: The Drosophila Genome
- Drosophila DNA Microarray Homepage
- Stanford page that includes array protocols and a link to expression data during metamorphosis
- Sites on fly development and nervous system:
- The Interactive Fly -- The ultimate site for exploring D. melanogaster genes and their role in development. Highly recommended
Fly Morph-O-Genesis -- Stunning collection of QuickTime movies of wild-type and mutant fly embryogenesis. Part of the Society for Developmental Biology's "Developmental Biology Cinema"
Flybrain -- An online atlas and database of the Drosophila nervous system
FlyTrap -- Images and data on the expression of genes involved in the Drosophila brain
- FlyView -- A Drosophila Image Database
- P Elements in Drosophila
- Very nice review of transposable elements, including information on their background and protocols for using them
- Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center, Indiana University
Want some flies?
- Online fly discussion
- Archive of bionet.drosophila newsgroup
Post (via e-mail) to bionet.drosophila newsgroup
- For the uninitiated . . .
- "A quick and simple introduction to Drosophila melanogaster"
C. elegans
Other Animal Genomes
- MaizeDB
- Rich collaborative effort featuring lots of data links on a corn-yellow background. A good first stop
- INRA Maize Genome Database
- Useful but no-frills database of maize information that, unaccountably, features a picture of the planet Saturn on its homepage
- TIGR Maize Gene Index
Other plant genomes
- Bean
- BeanGenes
- Soyean
- Soybase -- Impressive collection on soybean genomics and genetic resources
- Trees
- Dendrome -- Forest tree genome database from the U.S. Forest Service and U.C. Davis
E. coli
- E. coli Genome Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Profiling of E. coli Chromosome
- Nicely organized Japanese site focused on efforts to discover function of individual E. coli genes. Includes a handsome set of viewers and a good selection of links related to the microbe.
- RegulonDB
- Database of transcriptional regulation in E. coli
Other microbial and fungal genomes