MORE Locus choices for ordered_ & inserted_loci

Below are the three sets of ordered loci, with corresponding sets of inserted loci, chosen after the twopoint option.

Try11 - a locus pair that has both a large inter-locus distance and high confidence

ordered_loci 68 69  *                           (D2S44 & D2S43)
inserted_loci 65 44 63 5 67 1 66 33 50 56 59 62 70 72 55 9 41 53 39 71 60  *
(D2S47 ... D2S12)

Try12 - first locus trio found in 2p2ptlod.out

ordered_loci 5 41 44  *                         (ACP1 D2S1 TPO)
inserted_loci 68 69 65 63 67 1 66 33 50 56 59 62 70 72 55 9 53 39 71 60  *
(D2S44 ... D2S12)

Try13 - second locus trio found in 2p2ptlod.out

ordered_loci 56 53 50  *                        (D2S48 APOB D2S70)
inserted_loci 68 69 65 44 63 5 67 1 66 33 59 62 70 72 55 9 41 39 71 60  *
(D2S44 ... D2S12)