European Molecular
Biology Computing Network - Biocomputing Tutorials UNIX

Useful UNIX Commands

For more complete information use our help pages

The quick alphabetical list:   at awk cal cancel cat cc cd chmod cmp comm cp csh cut date diff echo f77 find grep kill ln lp lpr lpstat ls mail man mesg mkdir mv nohup nroff passwd paste pg pr ps pwd rm rmdir sed sh sort spell stty tail tee time tty uniq unzip wc who write zip Special
The slightly more organised list:
File and directory manipulation
cd chmod cp find ln ls mkdir mv pwd rm rmdir unzip zip
File searching and editing
awk cmp comm cut diff find grep paste sed sort spell tail uniq wc
File display and printing
cancel cat lp lpr lpstat nroff pg pr
System checks & programming
at cal cc date echo f77 kill nohup passwd ps stty time tty who
csh mail mesg sh tee write Special

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
at              -c,l,m,r,s                      time[date]

        run job(s)/process(es) at a particular time[date]
        e.g.    at 03
                at> ls >
                at> pwd >>
                at> ^D                  at 3 am, put a list of the
                                        files and directories in the
                                        pwd into '' and append
                                        this file with the pwd info
                at -l                   show a list of the job(s) under
                                        'at' control, with ID number
                at -m 1445
                at> clear
                at> XXXXX > mws.result
                at> ^D                  at 2:45 pm, run the shell
                                        script '' using XXXXX as
                                        an argument and redirect the
                                        output to 'mws.result'. Also send
                                        an EMail to the user upon
                at -r 389012.a          cancel the job with ID 389012

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
awk             -Fc -f file                     filename

        similar to grep, with the advantage of being able to
        find by fields within lines and to process the lines it finds
        with further commands. Rather like grep coupled to find and
        piped through a math function, like a spreadsheet in function.
        e.g.    awk -f seek.schmo poem  uses the file of awk commands
                                        called 'seek.schmo' and applies
                                        them to 'poem'.
                awk '/breath/ {print $0}' poem
                                        finds lines in the file 'poem'
                                        with the string 'breath' and
                                        displays them on the terminal.
                                        Note: {print $0} is default
                awk -F\  '$1~/breath/ {print $1, $2}' poem
                                        finds lines in the file 'poem'
                                        with the first word (seen as a
                                        field with a space delimiter)
                                        containing the string 'breath'
                                        and displays the first and
                                        second words (fields)
                awk '$3!~/nausea/ {print $2, $1, $6}' illness
                                        finds lines in the file
                                        'illness' with the third field
                                        NOT containing 'nausea' and then
                                        displays fields 2, 1, and 6, in
                                        that order
                awk -F: '$1~/item/ {tn=$3+$4+$5;tv=tn*$6;print $2, tn, tv}\
                                        finds lines that list items
                                        from the file 'inventory'. The
                                        itemID ($2) is printed, as is the
                                        total number of items in the
                                        three warehouses ($3+$4+$5) and
                                        the total value of these items
                                        (tn*$6, where $6 is the item unit
                                        cost). Notes: field delimiter
                                        is full colon; semi-colon is used
                                        to separate the three actions
                awk 'END {print NR}' poem
                                        goes to the end of the file
                                        'poem' and prints out the total
                                        number of lines. NR = Number of
                                        Records, and is built in to AWK.
                awk '$3 >= 15 {print $0}' inventory
                                        finds the records with the
                                        third field GE 15 and prints
                                        them. Conditional pattern
                awk '$1~/[A-F]*/&& $3 <= 150 {nd=150-$3;print "warehouse \
                        3 needs " nd " more of " $1}' inventory
                                        finds the items beginning with
                                        A through F and assesses the
                                        stock requirements of warehouse
                                        #3 for these items. && means
                                        BOTH conditions must be met.
        awk also has the following control commands for action statements:
                if ( conditional ) statement [ else statement ]
                while ( conditional ) statement
                for ( expression ; conditional ; expression) statement
                { [ statement ] ...}
                print [ expression-list ] [ > expression ]
                Sprintf format [ , expression-list ] [ > expression ]
                next    skip remaining patterns on  this input line
                exit    skip the rest of the input

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
cal             -                               [month] year
        show a calendar for a particular month or year
        e.g.    cal 05 1873

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
cancel          -                               job ID from lp

        stops a printing job.
        e.g.    cancel 96               stops printing job ID 96

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
cat             -                               filename(s)

        dump contents of file(s) to screen
        e.g.    cat Personal/form.txt

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
cc              -c,o                            filename(s).c (or .o)

        compiles c programme(s) contained in 'filename.c(or .o)', and
        generates an executable file, usually called a.out
        e.g.    cc -o works yes.c it.c  compiles 'yes.c' and 'it.c' into
                                        an executable file named 'works'

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
cd              -                               Dirname

        change to another directory
        e.g.    cd Pictures
                cd ../lib

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
chmod           ugo,+/-,rwx                     filename(s)

        changes the protection and/or mode of operation of a file
        e.g.    chmod u+x test          makes the file 'test' into an
                                        executable one within a shell
                                        for the user
                chmod go-rw poem        removes permission for the
                                        group or the world to read or
                                        write the file 'poem'
                chmod o-rwx Poems       no one outside you or the group
                                        may read files in, write files to,
                                        or even list the files in the your
                                        Poems sub-directory
                chmod o-x,g+w script    others can't execute your file
                                        'script', but your group can write
                                        to it

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
cmp             -l                              file1 file2

        compares the two files and reports the location of the first
        difference found between them
        e.g.    cmp poem poem1
                cmp -l poem poem1       shows all differences
                cmp poem                shows first difference between
                                        what you enter and file 'poem'

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
comm            -1,2,3                          file1 file2

        compares the two files, but only if they have been sorted
        first, and shows results in a three column table. Col1 lists
        lines only in file1, col2 for file2, and col3 for lines in common.
        e.g.    comm -12 poem poem1     show only lines in common (col3)

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
cp              -                               filename(s) newfilename
                                                filename(s) Dirname

        copy file(s) into another filename or directory
        e.g.    cp 1st 2nd composite    puts contents of '1st' and
                                        '2nd' into the 'composite' file
                cp assorted Misc        copies 'assorted' into the
                                        'Misc' subdirectory

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
csh             -                               -

        make a c shell; exit with ^D

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
cut             -c,f -d                         filename(s)

        cuts columns from a file and passes them along. Works either in
        character mode or field mode. The -d option allows you to
        change the default field delimiter from a .
        e.g.    cut -c1-4,7 cheese      selects only characters
                                        1 through 4 and 7 from each
                                        line of 'cheese' and sends them
                                        to the screen
                cut -f2,5- report       selects the  delimited
                                        fields 2, 5, 6, 7 ... (to the
                                        last column) from 'report'
                cut -f3,4,9 -d" " poem > texture
                                        selects only words 3, 4 and 9
                                        from 'poem', storing them in
                                        the file 'texture'

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
date            -                               -

        show the date and time

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
diff            -b,e                            file1 file2

        compares two files and lists the changes required to make the
        first identical to the second.
        e.g.    diff -b poem poem1      ignores blanks
                diff -e poem poem1      lists differences as a series
                                        of ex editor commands required

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
echo            -                               charstring;
                                                env var; `command`

        returns the argument to the screen; useful for descriptions in
        shell scripts
        e.g.    echo Version 1.1
                                        prints 'Version 1.1' to the screen
                echo $HOME
                                        prints the value of your home
                echo `grep nonsense *.html`
                                        prints the lines from any "html"
                                        files with the word "nonsense"

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
f77             -c,o                            filename(s).f (or .o)

        compiles fortran programme(s) contained in 'filename.f (or .o)',
        and generates an executable file,  usually called a.out

find            dirname         search criteria         actions

        finds file(s) in specified directory (and all subdirectories)
        matching the given pattern and performs an action upon them
        e.g.    find /home1/cc -name oops -print
                                        finds all files named 'oops'
                                        in the directory 'cc' or its sub-
                                        directories, and shows the path
                find . -name '*.[fc]' -print
                                        finds all fortran and c files
                                        in the current directory and
                                        shows the path
                find ./bin ./lib -atime +7 -ok rm {} \;
                                        finds all files last accessed
                                        over 7 days ago in the /bin and
                                        /lib subdirectories, and
                                        queries you, for each one, if
                                        you want it removed
                find . -mtime 1 -exec lpr -P2up {} \;
                                        all the files you modified
                                        yesterday are printed
                find .. -size +2 ! -newer -print
                                        all the files in the directory
                                        above the current on are
                                        searched for those with sizes
                                        greater than two blocks and
                                        with updates NOT more recently
                                        than, and then their
                                        paths are shown

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
grep            -n,c,v                          string [filename(s)]

        search for 'string' in the files named and dumps lines with
        'string' result to screen
        e.g.    grep -n silly poem      finds 'silly' in the file 'poem'
                                        showing the lines and their
                                        numbers in the file, too 
                grep -c "h.s" Well/que  finds all words such as his,
                                        whose, hostile, hassle, hussle,
                                        watches ... in 'que' file and
                                        displays a count of matching lines
                grep -v "and so" tale   finds all lines without "and so"
                                        and displays them
                grep '^Yo Mama' insults finds all lines beginning with
                                        the words 'Yo Mama' in the file
                grep 'ley$' poem        finds all lines ending with
                                        'Tetley', 'lines of ley', etc
                grep [n-t]at poem       finds all lines with words like
                                        tattle, prat, gnat, but excludes
                                        those lines with the words cat,
                                        mat, vat
                grep [^n-t]at poem      finds all lines withOUT words
                                        like tattle, prat, gnat, but
                                        won't omit lines with cat, mat,

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
kill            -9                              process ID number

        stops a job/process; process ID number comes from 'ps' command
        e.g.    kill 3890               stops process 3890
                kill -9 3890            REALLY stops it

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
ln              -                               file1 file2
                                                filename(s) Dirname

        links a new file to an existing one, in the current or
        different directory
        e.g.    ln ../New/text doc      puts a link file named 'doc' to
                                        the file 'New/text' in the present
                ln text doc Wip         puts link files for 'text' and
                                        'doc' into Wip directory

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
lp              -d                              filename(s)

        sends a formatted file to the specified printer
        e.g.    lp -dps poem            prints 'poem' on the post-
                                        script (laser) printer, ps

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
lpr             -P[ps,2up,ansi]                 filename(s)

        formats a file for printing and sends it to the specified
        e.g.    lpr -Pps Wip/text       prints 'Wip/text' to postscript
                                        (laser) printer, ps
                lpr -P2up poem          prints 'poem' @ 50% on ps

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
lpstat          -p                              -

        returns the status of the printing queues
        e.g.    lpstat                  shows which printers are active
                                        and how many jobs are queued
                lpstat -p               full report of all printers,
                                        regardless of activity

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
ls              -a,c,l,p,r,s,R,...              [Dirname]

        shows list of files and directories in current or named
        e.g.    ls -a                   lists ALL entries
                ls -c                   lists files by creation time
                ls -l                   files in long format, showing
                                        links, size, owner
                ls -p ../Wip            marks directories with /
                ls -r                   reverse order
                ls -s                   shows size in blocks
                ls -R                   shows subdirectories

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
mail            -                               filename(s)

        Email programme
        e.g.    mail text               sends file 'text' to whoever

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
man             -k [keyword],???                [command]

        shows help file/manual page for 'command' or list of possible
        commands relevant to 'keyword'
        e.g.    man -k erase            lists commands and manual pages
                                        with the string 'erase'
                man cat                 shows manual page on cat command

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
mesg            -                               y or n

        lets you turn on (y) or off (n) your ability to receive messages
        from other users of the computer

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
mkdir           -                               Dirname

        makes a new subdirectory called 'Dirname'
        e.g.    mkdir Forpost           puts a new subdirectory named
                                        'Forpost' in current directory

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
mv              -                               file1 file2
                                                filename(s) Dirname

        moves (renames) the contents of a file into a new filename
        moves (renames) a (group of) file(s) to a new Directory
        e.g.    mv ../New/text doc      moves the contents of the file
                                        'text' into the file 'doc'
                mv text doc Wip         moves the two files 'text' and
                                        'doc' from the current directory
                                        into the Wip directory

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
nohup           -                               command

        prefacing a command with 'nohup' prevents the ensuing
        job/process from being terminated at user logout
        e.g.    nohup ls >       puts a listing of all files
                                        from current directory into
                                        '', even though user has
                                        logged out

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
nroff           -e,h,i,q -mNAME - nN            filename(s)

        formats text files with indents and line spacings and whatnot
        for eventual dumping to screen or file or printer. The info to
        tell what formatting to do may be a simple option (-e), a
        series of basic commands "embedded in the text file, or an
        option that calls a whole file of possible formatting macros
        (-me , where e is the NAME of the macro-holding file), these
        macros themselves being embedded in the text file.
        e.g.    nroff -e poem           dumps 'poem' to screen with
                                        equally spaced words in
                                        adjusted lines
                nroff -me poem          dumps 'poem' to screen, using
                                        embedded macros defined in the
                                        'tmac.e' file for formatting

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
passwd          -                               -

        change to a new password

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
paste           -s -d                           filename(s)

        pastes lines together from two or more files to form a "table"
        of the lines from the files. Alternately, paste can concatenate
        all the lines of one file with the -s option. Delimiters may be
        specified other than  and many delimiters may be cycled
        through as the merge proceeds.
        e.g.    paste poem1 poem2       appends each line of poem2 onto
                                        the end of each line of poem1,
                                        delimited by a 
                paste -s -d" \t\n" report
                                        takes the lines of 'report' in
                                        threes, separating the first
                                        two by , the second two
                                        by  and ending the third
                                        with a  (aka CRLF)
command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
pg              -c,s,???                        [filename(s)]

        shows the contents of a file on screen, one page at a time. pg
        is a 'read-only text editor'; once using pg to show a file,
        move around within the file by pressing  for the
        next screen, or +/- integers to jump a number of screens
        ahead or back. The 'q' command quits pg.
        e.g.    pg text                 shows the contents of 'text'
                                        one page at a time

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
pr              -a,d,f,ln,m,n,p,r,t,wn,+n               filename(s)

        formats file(s) for display to terminal or piping to printer
        -a      multicolumn output, by line across page (with -n option)
        -d      doublespaced
        -f      use formfeed to separate pages; doesn't affect page length
        -ln     make page length n lines, instead of 66
        -m      print all files at once, one per column
        -n      output in n columns, by line down the page
        -p      pause before the beginning of each page
        -r      do not show diagnostic report if error occurs
        -t      omit 5 line header and footer
        -wn     set page width to n characters, instead of 72
        +n      start with nth page
        e.g.    pr -dp poem             show 'poem' on screen, double-
                                        spaced and requiring a RETURN
                                        before showing next page

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
ps              -a,f                            -

        display the process status, which shows the process ID numbers
        of jobs in the system, the types of jobs and from where they
        are being run
        e.g.    ps -a                   show ALL processes from all users
                ps -f                   show ALL information about the
                                        users' jobs, including priority

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
pwd             -                               -

        show the name of the present working directory

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
rm              -i,r                            [Dirname/]filename(s)

        removes the named file(s)
        e.g.    rm -i Janu*.*           deletes all files starting with
                                        'Janu' and with only one extension,
                                        with a query for each file
                rm -r Old               deletes the directory 'Old' and
                                        every file within it!

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
rmdir           -                               Dirname(s)

        removes the named directory(s) IFF empty
        e.g.    rmdir Oldstuff          deletes 'Oldstuff' if it has no

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
sed             -n 'ed command'                 filename(s)

        edits file(s) as though it was (they were) a stream of text,
        dumping output elsewhere (screen or another file) instead of
        modifying the original file. Great for global changes and for
        specific changes IFF you know which lines (by number or by
        pattern) need to be altered. Use sed under sh, not csh!

        An 'ed command' has the following structure:


        This is a complicated structure and needs clarification.
        The first part of an 'ed command' tells sed where to apply the
        changes: to a line or lines matching numbers or patterns, to a
        mix of the two, or globally.
        e.g.    sed '2d' poem           deletes second line of 'poem'
                sed '2,4 s/tree/timber/' poem
                                        replaces the FIRST occurance of
                                        the word 'tree' with the word
                                        'timber' in lines 2 through 4
                                        of 'poem'
                sed '7,/Linus/p' poem   prints every line from the
                                        seventh to the first with the
                                        word 'Linus'
                sed 's/[Hh]emo/[Hh]aemo/g' poem
                                        in ALL lines of 'poem', change
                                        EVERY occurance of 'hemo' or
                                        'Hemo' to 'haemo' or 'Haemo'
                                        (g = global)
                sed -n '$p' poem        prints the last line of 'poem'
                sed -n '/c[ao]n/p' poem prints only lines with 'can' or
                                        'con' in them
                sed -n '/c[^ao]n/p' poem
                                        prints only lines with words
                                        containing 'c?n', where ? isn't
                                        either a or o; omits 'can I go
                                        for a walk?' but includes 'can
                                        I go to Cincinatti for a walk?'
                sed -n '/c[ao]n/!p' poem
                                        prints only lines WITHOUT 'can'
                                        or 'con' in them

        The second part of an 'ed command' tells sed what changes to
        apply. Note that some of these change commands will not accept
        a range of lines (e.g., 2,6) for their action.
        e.g.    sed 'a\
                > append THIS!' poem    puts the phrase 'append THIS!'
                                        on its own line after EVERY
                                        line in the file 'poem'
                sed '/opt/ i\
                > insert THIS!' poem    puts the phrase 'insert THIS!'
                                        on its own line before every
                                        line containing the word 'opt'
                sed '/You/ c\
                > Yo Mama' insults
                                        changes all lines with the word
                                        'You' into the phrase shown
                sed '/boots/ s/military/army/g' insults
                                        changes the word 'army' to
                                        'military' whenever 'boots' is in
                                        a line of the file 'insults'
                sed -n '3p' poem        prints the third line of 'poem'
                sed '/nausea/q' ill     prints the file 'ill' up to the
                                        first occurance of 'nausea'
                sed '$ r finish' poem   appends the contents of the file
                                        'finish' to the file 'poem'
                sed '/[aeio]/ !w' poem
                                        copies every line from 'poem'
                                        lacking the letters [aeio] and
                                        puts them in a file called
                sed '=' poem            prints the line numbers for
                                        each line of 'poem'
                sed '/tart/=' poem      prints the line numbers of each
                                        line with the word 'tart' in 'poem'
                sed '/don\'t/!p' poem   prints all lines without the
                                        word 'don't' from 'poem'

        Finally, sed commands may be multiple; concatenate them by
        enclosing them within one set of '', but on separate lines.

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
sh              -                               -

        makes a Bourne shell; exit with ^D

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
sort            -b,d,f,n,o filename,r -tc,+sw -ew[cf]   filename(s)

        sorts and merges lines from file(s). Resulting list is alpha-
        betical, but UPPER and lower case letters are sorted separately,
        numbers are sorted by first digit (not value), blanks beginning
        lines come before A or a in listing, and other symbol characters
        are used in sorting as well. These defaults can be over-ridden
        and lines may also be sorted by strings other than the first
        one, by using the fields option.
        e.g.    sort -b poem            sort 'poem', ignoring blanks
                sort -d poem            sort 'poem' using ONLY letters,
                                        numbers and blanks
                sort -f poem            sort 'poem' ignoring letter case
                sort -n inventory       sort 'inventory' by number value
                sort -o surpoem poem    sort 'poem' and put result into
                                        a newfile called 'surpoem'
                sort -r poem            sort 'poem' in reverse order
                sort -t: -f -o invsort +1 -3 inventory
                                        sort 'inventory' using only the
                                        second and third words on each
                                        line. Words are delimited by a
                                        full colon (not spaces). Ignore
                                        the case of the letters and dump
                                        the result to a file called
                sort -t; -n +2 -3 +7 number.list
                                        sort 'number.list' using only
                                        the third and eigth values on
                                        the lines. Values are delimited
                                        by semi-colons
                sort -t- -d +2.3r -4 +6f listing > processed.list
                                        sort 'listing' using only the
                                        third character of the third
                                        word, sorted in REVERSE, the
                                        fourth word, sorted normally,
                                        and the seventh word, sorted
                                        independent of letter case. The
                                        field delimiter is a dash '-'
                                        and the output is redirected
                                        to 'processed.list'

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
spell           -                               filename(s)

        produces a list of all questionable words in the file(s) listed.

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
stty            -option                         settings, baud rate

        reports on the current settings of baud rate and terminal
        options. When followed by a option with a new setting, changes
        the terminal environment to the new setting
        e.g.    stty -echo              turns off echoing
                stty erase \ ^h         sets 'erase' to Back Space

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
tail            +/- number,l,b,c                filename(s)

        prints sections of file(s). +number means start after this
        number of lines (or blocks or characters, if the flags b or c
        are given), while -number means start this number of lines
        before the end of the file. Default number is -10l.
        e.g.    tail poem               shows last ten lines of 'poem'
                tail +30c poem          shows all of 'poem' beginning
                                        with thirtieth character

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
tee             -a,i                            filename(s)

        forks output to both the screen and a named file
        e.g.    ls | tee        sends list of files to screen
                                        and to file ''

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
time            -                               command

        runs the command indicated and reports on the time used. Time
        is reported for user (command execution) sys (command support)
        and real (time sharing)

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
tty             -                               -

        reports the pathname of your terminal

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
uniq            -c,d,u                          infile [outfile]

        removes all repeated lines from infile; output to screen or to
        outfile. Repeated lines must be adjacent (so sort first!)
        e.g.    uniq -c poem            shows all lines, with number of
                                        repeats counted
                uniq -d poem            shows only duplicated lines
                uniq -u poem            shows only unique lines in infile

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
wc              -l,w,c                          filename(s)

        counts the number of characters, words and lines in a file
        e.g.    wc poem                 shows three numbers for # chars,
                                        words and lines + filename
                wc -l poem              shows only # lines + filename

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
who             -                               [ami] [ am i]

        tells who is using the system, and who YOU might be
        e.g.    who                     shows all current users
                whoami                  shows your userID
                who am I                shows your userID + stuff

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
write           -                               userID

        sends lines from your terminal to the terminal of another user
        e.g.    write norbert           lets me fill Norbert's screen with
                                        my blather

command         options                         argument
-------         -------                         --------
zip             - h,i,r                         filename(s)

        shrinks or (unzip) expands files, between their usable forms
        (i.e., editable, executable, viewable, etc.) and a much smaller
        format for transfer or storage
        e.g.    zip mbf mybigfile.txt   shrinks the file 'mybigfile.txt'
                                        to one called ''
                zip -h                  writes a short help file on zip
                                        to the screen
                zip allst -i allstuff.* makes a compressed archive called
                                        '' of all files beginning
                                        with 'allstuff', regardless of
                                        the file extensions
                zip -r megadir .        makes a compressed archive called
                                        'megadir' of the current directory
                                        and all its subdirectories
                unzip           expands '' back to
                                        'mybigfile.txt' again

Special features
------- --------

Wild cards      ?                       matches any one character
                *                       matches any number of characters
                [co]*.c                 matches c programme files
                                        beginning with 'c' or 'o'
                [a-q]*                  matches files beginning with
                                        any letter from a through to q

Job control

&               put job/process followed by '&' into background

at              tell a job/process when to run

kill            terminates a specified job/process

nohup           make job/process permanent, even if user logs out;
                should be used with '&', so log out is possible!

Redirection methods

>               sends output to a file instead of the screen

>>              appends output to a file instead of the screen

<               receive input from a file

|               "pipeline" send output from one command to another command

tee             fork output to screen and to named file

Continuation methods

;               command separator - for consecutive commands on one line

\               command line linker - to continue command on next line

#               line nulifier - text following is treated only as text

Value/content recall methods

$variable       return value of variable

`command`       return contents of command output

neutralising METAcharacters * ? [ ] > >> < | & ; \ ` " $ #

\               METAcharacters following \ is used as a character

`               METAcharacters within `` are used only as characters

"               MEtacharacters within "" EXCEPT $ ` \ are used only
                as characters

Text file formatting

nroff           alters appearance of simple text files via "embedded"
                commands placed in the text file and executed by nroff
                when the file is given as its argument

                        command         function

                        .ce N           centre next N lines
                        .de cmds ..     define an embedded nroff macro
                        .in N           indent text N spaces
                        .hy N           auto-hyphenation on when N ne 0
                        .ll N           line length N characters
                        .ls N           line spacing to N lines
                        .na             no right margin justification
                        .nf             no fill text
                        .sp N           include N blank lines
                        .ti N           indent next line N spaces
                        .tr sdfn        replace 's' with 'd', 'n' with 'f'

David Featherston   ( )
Updated on Wednesday, 12 February, 2005
Copyright © 1995-1996 by David W. Featherston