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The Applications (programs) |
Program name | Author(s) | Description |
aaindexextract | RFCGR | Extract data from AAINDEX |
abiview | RFCGR | Reads ABI file and display the trace |
acdc | Sanger | Tests definition files for any EMBOSS application. |
antigenic | RFCGR | Finds antigenic sites in proteins |
backtranseq | RFCGR | Back translate a protein sequence |
banana | Sanger | Bending and Curvature Plot in B-DNA |
biosed | RFCGR | Replace or delete sequence sections |
btwisted | RFCGR | Calculates the twisting in a B-DNA sequence |
cai | RFCGR | CAI codon usage statistic |
chaos | Sanger | Create a chaos plot for a sequence. |
charge | RFCGR | Protein charge plot |
checktrans | EBI | ORF property statistics |
chips | RFCGR | Codon usage statistics |
cirdna | Norway | Draws circular maps of DNA constructs |
codcmp | RFCGR | Codon usage table comparison |
coderet | RFCGR | Extract CDS, mRNA and translations from feature tables |
compseq | RFCGR | Counts the composition of dimer/trimer/etc words in a sequence |
cons | RFCGR | Creates a consensus from multiple alignments |
cpgplot | RFCGR | Plot CpG rich areas |
cpgreport | RFCGR | Reports CpG rich regions |
cusp | RFCGR | Create a codon usage table |
cutgextract | HGMP | Extract data from CUTG |
cutseq | RFCGR | Removes a specified section from a sequence. |
dan | RFCGR | Plot melting temperatures for DNA. |
dbiblast | Sanger | Database indexing for BLAST 1 and 2 indexed databases |
dbifasta | RFCGR | Index a fasta database |
dbiflat | Sanger | Database indexing for flat file databases |
dbigcg | Sanger | Database indexing for GCG formatted databases |
degapseq | RFCGR | Removes gap characters from sequences |
descseq | RFCGR | Alter the name or description of a sequence. |
diffseq | RFCGR | Find differences between nearly identical sequences |
digest | RFCGR | Protein proteolytic enzyme or reagent cleavage digest |
distmat | RFCGR | Creates a distance matrix from multiple alignments |
dotmatcher | Sanger | Produces a dotplot of two sequences. |
dotpath | RFCGR | Displays a non-overlapping wordmatch dotplot of two sequences |
dottup | Sanger | DNA sequence dot plot |
dreg | Sanger | Regular expression search of a nucleotide sequence |
einverted | Sanger | Finds DNA inverted repeats |
embossdata | RFCGR | Finds or fetches the data files read in by the EMBOSS programs |
embossversion | RFCGR | Writes the current EMBOSS version number |
emowse | RFCGR | Protein identification by mass spectrometry |
emma | RFCGR | Multiple alignment program |
entret | RFCGR | Reads and writes (returns) flatfile entries |
epestfind | Austria | Finds PEST motifs as potential proteolytic cleavage sites |
eprimer3 | RFCGR | Picks PCR primers and hybridization oligos |
equicktandem | Sanger | Finds tandem repeats |
est2genome | Sanger | Align EST and genomic DNA sequences |
etandem | Sanger | Looks for tandem repeats in a nucleotide sequence. |
extractfeat | RFCGR | Extract features from a sequence |
extractseq | RFCGR | Extract regions from a sequence. |
findkm | RFCGR | Calculates Km and Vmax for an enzyme reaction |
freak | RFCGR | Residue/base frequency table or plot |
fuzznuc | RFCGR | Nucleic acid pattern search |
fuzzpro | RFCGR | Protein pattern search |
fuzztran | RFCGR | Protein pattern search after translation |
garnier | EBI | Predicts protein secondary structure |
geecee | Sanger | Calculates the fractional GC content of nucleic acid sequences |
getorf | RFCGR | Finds and extracts open reading frames (ORFs) |
helixturnhelix | RFCGR | Finds nucleic acid binding domains. |
hmoment | RFCGR | Hydrophobic moment calculation |
iep | RFCGR | Calculates the isoelectric point of a protein |
infoalign | RFCGR | Information on a multiple sequence alignment |
infoseq | RFCGR | Displays some simple information about sequences |
isochore | Sanger | Plots isochores in large DNA sequences |
jembossctl | RFCGR | Jemboss Authentication Control |
lindna | Norway | Draws linear maps of DNA constructs |
listor | RFCGR | Writes a list file of the logical OR of two sets of sequences |
marscan | RFCGR | Finds MAR/SAR sites in nucleic sequences |
maskfeat | RFCGR | Mask off features of a sequence |
maskseq | RFCGR | Mask off regions of a sequence. |
matcher | Sanger | Local alignment of two sequences |
megamerger | RFCGR | Merge two large overlapping nucleic acid sequences |
merger | RFCGR | Merge two overlapping sequences |
msbar | RFCGR | Mutate sequence beyond all recognition |
mwcontam | RFCGR | Shows molwts that match across a set of files |
mwfilter | RFCGR | Filter noisy molwts from mass spec output |
needle | RFCGR | Needleman-Wunsch global alignment. |
newcpgreport | EBI | Report CpG rich areas |
newcpgseek | EBI | Reports CpG rich regions |
newseq | RFCGR | Type in a short new sequence. |
noreturn | RFCGR | Removes carriage return from ASCII files |
notseq | RFCGR | Excludes a set of sequences and writes out the remaining ones |
nthseq | RFCGR | Writes one sequence from a multiple set of sequences |
octanol | Sanger | Displays protein hydropathy |
oddcomp | Norway | Finds protein sequence regions with a biased composition. |
palindrome | RFCGR | Looks for inverted repeats in a nucleotide sequence. |
pasteseq | RFCGR | Insert one sequence into another. |
patmatdb | RFCGR | Matching a Prosite motif against a Protein Sequence Database. |
patmatmotifs | RFCGR | Compares a protein sequence to the PROSITE motif database. |
pepcoil | RFCGR | Predicts coiled coil regions |
pepinfo | RFCGR | Plots simple amino acid properties in parallel |
pepnet | RFCGR | Protein helical net plot |
pepstats | RFCGR | Protein statistics |
pepwheel | RFCGR | Shows protein sequences as helices |
pepwindow | Sanger | Displays protein hydropathy |
pepwindowall | Sanger | Displays protein hydropathy of a set of sequences |
plotcon | RFCGR | Plots the quality of conservation of a sequence alignment |
plotorf | RFCGR | Plot potential open reading frames |
polydot | Sanger | Multiple dotplot |
preg | Sanger | Regular expression search of a protein sequence |
prettyplot | Sanger | Displays aligned sequences, with colouring and boxing. |
prettyseq | RFCGR | Output sequence with translated ranges |
primersearch | RFCGR | Searches DNA sequences for matches with primer pairs |
printsextract | RFCGR | Preprocesses the PRINTS database for use with the program PSCAN |
profit | RFCGR | Scan a sequence or database with a matrix or profile |
prophecy | RFCGR | Creates matrices/profiles from multiple alignments |
prophet | RFCGR | Gapped alignment for profiles |
prosextract | RFCGR | Extracts ID, AC, and PA lines from the PROSITE motif database. |
pscan | RFCGR | Locates fingerprints (multiple motif features) in a protein sequence. |
rebaseextract | RFCGR | Extract data from REBASE |
recoder | RFCGR | Find and remove restriction sites but maintain the same translation |
redata | RFCGR | Isoschizomers, references and Suppliers for Restriction Enzymes |
remap | RFCGR | Display a sequence with restriction cut sites, translation etc.. |
restover | Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center | Finds restriction enzymes that produce a specific overhang |
restrict | RFCGR | Finds Restriction Enzyme Cleavage Sites |
revseq | RFCGR | Reverse and complement a sequence. |
seealso | RFCGR | Finds programs sharing group names |
seqmatchall | Sanger | Does an all-against-all comparison of a set of sequences |
seqret | Sanger | Reads and writes (returns) a sequence. |
seqretsplit | RFCGR | Reads and writes (returns) sequences in individual files |
showdb | RFCGR | Displays information on the currently available databases |
showalign | RFCGR | Display a multiple sequence alignment |
showfeat | RFCGR | Show features of a sequence. |
showorf | RFCGR | Pretty output of DNA translations |
showseq | RFCGR | Display a sequence with features, translation etc |
shuffleseq | RFCGR | Shuffles a set of sequences maintaining composition |
sigcleave | RFCGR | Predicts signal peptide cleavage sites |
silent | RFCGR | Silent mutation restriction enzyme scan |
sirna | RFCGR | Finds siRNA duplexes in mRNA |
sixpack | LION | Display a DNA sequence with 6-frame translation and ORFs |
skipseq | RFCGR | Reads and writes (returns) sequences, skipping the first few |
splitter | RFCGR | Split a sequence into (overlapping) smaller sequences. |
stretcher | Sanger | Global alignment of two sequences. |
stssearch | Sanger | Searches a DNA database for matches with a set of STS primers |
supermatcher | Sanger | Finds a match of a large sequence against one or more sequences |
syco | RFCGR | Synonymous codon usage Gribskov statistic plot |
tcode | RFCGR | Fickett TESTCODE statistic to identify protein-coding DNA |
textsearch | RFCGR | Search sequence documentation text. SRS and Entrez are faster! |
tfextract | RFCGR | Extract data from TRANSFAC |
tfm | RFCGR | Displays a program's help documentation manual |
tfscan | RFCGR | Scans DNA sequences for transcription factors. |
tmap | Sanger | Predict transmembrane proteins |
tranalign | RFCGR | Align nucleic coding regions given the aligned proteins |
transeq | RFCGR | Translates nucleic acid sequences. |
trimest | RFCGR | Trim poly-A tails off EST sequences |
trimseq | RFCGR | Trim ambiguous bits off the ends of sequences |
twofeat | RFCGR | Finds neighbouring pairs of features in sequences |
union | LION | Reads sequence fragments and builds one sequence |
vectorstrip | RFCGR | Strips out DNA between a pair of vector sequences |
water | RFCGR | Smith-Waterman local alignment. |
whichdb | RFCGR | Search all databases for an entry |
wobble | RFCGR | Wobble base plot |
wordcount | Sanger | Counts words of a specified size in a DNA sequence. |
wordmatch | Sanger | Finds all exact matches of a given size between 2 sequences |
wossname | RFCGR | Finds programs by keywords in their one-line documentation. |
yank | LION | Reads a range from a sequence, appends the full USA to a list file |
This allows the EMBOSS libraries to link to other software, and only requires that software to have an LGPL-compatible licence. Phylip, for example, fits this model.
But, to the user they do look exactly like EMBOSS aplications.
Program name | Author(s) | Description |
eclique | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's clique |
econsense | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's consense |
econtml | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's contml |
econtrast | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's contrast |
ednacomp | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's dnacomp |
ednadist | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's dnadist |
ednainvar | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's dnainvar |
ednaml | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's dnaml |
ednamlk | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's dnamlk |
ednapars | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's dnapars |
ednapenny | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's dnapenny |
edollop | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's dollop |
edolpenny | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's dolpenny |
efactor | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's factor |
efitch | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's fitch |
egendist | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's gendist |
ekitsch | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's kitsch |
emix | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's mix |
eneighbor | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's neighbor |
epenny | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's penny |
eprotdist | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's protdist |
eprotpars | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's protpars |
erestml | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's restml |
eseqboot | Sanger | Conversion of PHYLIP's seqboot |
Program name | Author(s) | Description |
pdbparse | RFCGR | Parses PDB files and writes CCF files (clean coordinate files) for proteins. |
pdbplus | RFCGR | Add records for residue solvent accessibility and secondary structure to a clean coordinate file. |
domainer | RFCGR | Reads CCF files (clean coordinate files) for proteins and writes CCF files for domains, taken from a DCF file (domain classification file). |
scopparse | RFCGR | Reads raw SCOP classification files and writes a DCF file (domain classification file). |
domainreso | RFCGR | Removes low resolution domains from a DCF file (domain classification file). |
domainseqs | RFCGR | Adds sequence records to a DCF file (domain classification file). |
domainnr | RFCGR | Removes redundant domains from a DCF file (domain classification file). The file must contain domain sequence information, which can be added by using DOMAINSEQS. |
domainrep | RFCGR | Reorder DCF file (domain classification file) so that the representative structure of each user-specified node is given first. |
domainalign | RFCGR | Generates structure-based sequence alignments for nodes in a DCF file (domain classification file). |
seqsearch | RFCGR | Generate database hits (sequences) from a DAF file (domain alignment file) or other sequences by using PSI-BLAST. |
seqfraggle | RFCGR | Removes fragments from DHF files (domain hits files) or other files of sequences. |
seqsort | RFCGR | Reads DHF files (domain hits files) of database hits (sequences) and removes hits of ambiguous classification. |
seqnr | RFCGR | Removes redundancy from DHF files (domain hits files) or other files of sequences. |
seqalign | RFCGR | Reads a DAF file (domain alignment file) and a DHF (domain hits file) and writes a DAF file extended with the hits. |
siggen | RFCGR | Generates a sparse protein signature from an alignment and residue contact data. |
libgen | RFCGR | Generates various type of discriminator for each alignment in a directory. |
libscan | RFCGR | Generates hits (sequences in a domain hits file) from searches of various types of discriminator (HMMs, profiles etc) against a sequence database. Or generates hits from screening sequences against a library of such discriminators. |
rocon | RFCGR | Reads a DHF file (domain hits file) of hits (sequences of unknown structural classification) and a DHF file of validation sequences (known classification) and writes a "hits file" for the hits, which are classified and rank-ordered on the basis of score. |
rocplot | RFCGR | A generic and flexible tool for interpretation and graphical display of the performance of predictive methods using receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) analysis. |
contacts | RFCGR | Reads CCF files (clean coordinate files) and writes CON files (contact files) of intra-chain residue-residue contact data. |
interface | RFCGR | Reads protein CCF files (clean coordinate files) and writes CON files (contact files) of inter-chain residue-residue contact data. |
sites | RFCGR | Reads CCF files (clean coordinate files) and writes CON files (contact files) of residue-ligand contact data for domains in a DCF file (domain classification file). |
hetparse | RFCGR | Converts raw dictionary of heterogen groups to a file in EMBL-like format. |
pdbtosp | RFCGR | Convert raw swissprot:PDB equivalence file to EMBL-like format. |
cathparse | RFCGR | Reads raw CATH classification files and writes DCF file (domain classification file). |
Program name | Author(s) | Description |
emnu | RFCGR | Simple menu of EMBOSS applications |
mse | Sanger | Conversion of Will Gilbert's MSE editor |
topo | Sanger | Conversion of Susan Jean Johns' TOPO |